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UPDATED 2/21/06 UPDATED 5/06/06

Hey gang just one last shout out to ya. And you'll never guess what that shout out is. We are talking about regrouping at the end of the summer which I think is awesome. Sure there may be a change or two but who knows if everyone is still around than it just might just be Only Human your coming to check out once again. After long discussion and debate, not to mention the crowd that came to our farewell show. The only thing I can say is WOW!!! I didnt realize that many people would show up to see us off. There are some great new pictures on the Pix page so go check them out. I will be updating this page about every month or two with rare photos and new updates about whats going on and whats to come out of this family we CALL Only Human. Hope to see you at the end of the summer. Also we will try to dedicate some new stuff to this site while we are taking a break, one of them which is Going and listening to new bands in the surrounding area and giving you the lowdown on the local and regional music scene Since the magazine F5 is so biased on what kind of music they think is good and what they think is not. I will actually give a true rating of a band overall not just what I think about them. So keep checking us out for Local Music updates and shows.

   Dont forget, T-shirts are in. And since they will now become collectors items you better grab one or two. If you are interested in one just let us know and we'll get them right out to you. We have mens and womens shirts, not to mention some g-strings for you girls that want to sport Only Human in the bedroom.. Make sure you all come out to support us. Visit Myspace for a preview of the cd.  If you would like a copy of the CD we have done so far just let us know and we'll hook you up.


The following songs will be on the CD.

1) Love Is

2) Draining Nature

3) Silver Spoon

4) Why





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